Tag Archive for Privateer Press

Would you like fries with that?


The idea of the add on sale or accessorizing a purchase is nothing new.  Buy a new outfit?  Well naturally you need new shoes/ tie/ belt etc to go with it!  Burger joints try to sell you fries with your order, or upsell your purchase with an apple pie or larger drink.  We’re so used to it we barely notice and often ignore it… but today I want to suggest (sell?) to you a way to accessorize your games and up the enjoyment factor to 11!  (Well it’s one more than ten, right?)


Six-Sided Bliss!

Lost Hemisphere radio ep71

Lost Hemisphere Radio has a grand tradition of looking on the bright side, being positive, and always rooting for fun over competitiveness. For episode 71 however, just this once, we’re letting our grumpy side out of the box… well, it’s about as grumpy as we’re going to get on air, at least. Welcoming back the prodigal son JDWhitee to the guest seat, Gdaybloke and Northblade take a look at some models in Warmachine and Hordes that… well, they just can’t figure out, or otherwise aren’t fans of. Don’t get too stressed, we’ll be back to our usual chipper selves next episode, but for now? It’s grumblin’ time… Oh, and Jordan likes breathing heavily into his microphone. No wonder he’s such a League of Legends celebrity.

Download the grumbly shenanigans on iTunes or by clicking this here handy little linky: Linky!

Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire! (And Lightning. And Ice.)


I’ve been building a lot of lists lately and in the course of doing so I’ve been revisiting an old favourite of mine, Epic Warlock Baldur the Stonesoul.  More specifically his theme force, the “Hour of Reckoning“.

I’ve previously used eBaldur with some success but one thing I’ve always wanted was some heavy ranged firepower to add to his “brick up” Theme Force play style.  Sitting the heavy Constructs (or Warp Wolves should I choose to venture outside of his Theme Force) behind Rock Wall for a Defense bonus and protection from non-reach models is a solid Tortoise formation but lacks speed.  In order to force the enemy to engage this near impenetrable wall of heavy warbeasts, I require a serious ranged threat.

No Quarter Magazine #48 Preview


Privateer Press has gone over the top to promote the release of issue #48 of the No Quarter magazine, due out later this month.  In a special video preview, NQ Editor-in-Chief Aeryn Rudel gives us the scoop on what sort of spoilers will be contained within the pages of this issue:

Ragnarok Brings the Base (-ing material)


Guest blog time folks, as we have a contribution blog from a good friend and local player of mine who wanted to show off his talents.  Sit back and enjoy the article and be sure to give our guest some feedback on his article. – NB

My name is Chadi Faraj. I’ve never written a blog before but I figured I’d give it a shot since I can get a bit hysterical about the games I play.

A little history about myself; I’ve been playing table top miniature games, assembling models and painting for about 18 years now and have loved every second of it!

The reason I’m writing this article is that I felt like showing off some of the work I have been doing lately, maybe impart some of the tricks I’ve learned over the years, and more importantly learn new tricks from any comments and cool tip you guys may have for me.

So here goes nothing….. (Go easy on him kids, he’s fragile! – NB)

Gamer Funk (No not the smell!)


So the first thing I find myself having to tackle while trying to get the blog up and running off the ground is the fact that as a gamer I am currently suffering from a bit of malaise.  My preferred game, Privateer Press‘ Warmachine calls to me and I am busy thinking of lists, plotting which models to use with which Warcasters but I simply cannot dredge up the will to get painting and be productive.