Tag Archive for Privateer Press

Converging on tables!


So my goal, as stated last week, was to get my shiny new Deathbot Battle Box assembled, primed and painted in time to get some games at the battle box level in Thursday night at Heroes World.  After enlisting the help of a friend and mentor, as well as the dastardly enabler who got me into this whole tabletop miniatures fiasco in the first place, to help me paint my shiny new toys I managed over the course of the evenings Monday through Wednesday to get paint on models, and to succeed at my goal!

Convergence of Cyriss Battle Box

Convergence of Cyriss Battle Box

Another Cog in the Machine


Not a whole lot to say right now, I am buried under a big pile of loot from Lock & Load 2013 that our buddy Boots brought back from Seattle for me.  Aside from the June release of the Stormblade Captain for my beloved Cygnar, I have a huge heaping helping of new models from the Convergence of Cyriss with which to entertain myself.


Maiden of Gears

Puppy with which to Pound!


More painting with Ragnarok, posted by me because teaching a painter how to sign into a blog and post his own article is proving to be a challenge!! – NB

Saturday the 25th of May, a not so local (but still very awesome) hobby shop, The Hobby Kingdom,  ran their annual Most Extreme Annihilation Challenge event (which is loads of fun!). This event awards style points for many things like amazing army themes (including the option to come in costume to match your themed army), or extra points for an epic way of slaying an opponent’s Warbeast/Warjack. The style points I was most interested in were the painting points! Nothing like the anticipation of a fun event to get one out of a 6 month painting funk, like most hobbyists I go through painting phases. And I usually need a push to get out of a funk phase. Thanks to the MEAC2013 I was inspired to paint a Warlock I have wanted to get to for a long time! Kaya the Moonhunter and her trusted companion Laris. This blog will take us on a journey of how I got the pair of beautiful models painted.

Just a quick disclaimer before we get going. I have not yet updated my paint collection to the new GW colours so all the paint “names” I will be using in this blog will all be the old and outdated names. Please refer to this page for the GW paint name conversion chart:


So let’s get started ….

With Laris:
After cleaning and assembling Laris I primed him using GW Chaos Black Primer.


The week in Review


Wow what an amazing week it’s been, and I can only process it all now that the week is over and I have had some down time to take it all in and get my mind wrapped around the events of this past week.

My birthday was last Wednesday, and I like many others just prefer to spend the time with those closest to me, I ask for no gifts, and just enjoy a quiet time of reflection and soak up the love of my wife and daughter who are my everything.  It’s nothing special, just another day to me, and I am happy to just get up, go to work, come home and have a nice dinner with my girls.  Inevitably though people who care about you will do tremendously kind things for you, either by getting gifts, giving thoughtful cards, or celebrating you and the impact you have made in their lives.  And I guess part of this post will discuss my impression of those kind gestures and what they mean to me.

Tournament Prep

So, despite my sign off last time, I sadly don’t have shiny clockwork minis in my hands. I wasn’t planning on writing another article before Lock & Load, so Boots has made a liar out of me.

Boots, seen here “motivating” his contributers.

Anyways, with convention season for me kicking off into full swing (Lock & Load in a few days, Gencon in August) I figure I’d touch on something that goes hand in hand with conventions: preparing for a tournament. Now, just because I have convention play in mind doesn’t mean that the tips don’t apply to tournaments at your friendly local store. A lot of the advice is equally valid for that, too.

For now, this is basic, big picture advice. There are all sorts of other tricks that I can focus on in later articles, such as considering your meta, list pairings, etc. but I figure that broad strokes about what will give you the best play experience at a tournament (perhaps even your first one) will go the furthest.

“Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.”

– Robert H. Schuller

Keepin’ it Kriel with Nog


Hello all. My name is Noghannan but y’all can call me Nog. This is going to be my first post at the Hysteria and highly likely not my last. I am a Warmahordes junkie like many of you reading along. I currently own a mini from nearly every faction (way more for most) but for all intents and purposes I am a Trollblood player through and through.

I received a text from Northblade the other day asking when he would get a post so I figured I would do something on the newest Trollblood hotness: The Hunters Grim aka eGrim aka Grim2. My plan is to do this as a two part post with the first installment covering Grim2 and my initial thoughts and the follow up article being my impressions after getting the boys painted and a minimum of 20 games played.

I have been excited/worried about Grim2 for nearly a year now. A local gamer/hobbyist/friend attended last year’s Lock and Load and texted me pictures of Brian Dugas sculpting The Hunters Grim.

Grim Angus2


A Morning Report on the Dawn of Battle


No reason not to have a little Disney Lion King on a Saturday morning, is there?

It was a good night Thursday night at Heroes World for gaming.
I managed to play two games with my second choice list for the MEAC2013 event I am attending today, and learned some tough lessons about my choices and play style.  I had forgotten how much I really like playing small point games, and really learning what a caster and Battlegroup can do.  It’s nice and refreshing to go back and play smaller games when we have the chance.  Thankfully the current Machinations League has allowances for smaller point games.

None Asked, and None Given

Because you need to know what I think about this.


No Quarter, that is.  The magazine.  What else could I possibly mean?

I wanted to launch our review series of articles with a product I feel rather privileged to read and receive regularly; Privateer Press’ No Quarter bi-monthly magazine.  As a subscriber and collector of the magazine I feel I am uniquely qualified to write a review of the product that goes beyond an overview of the current issue and talks about the magazine in terms of it’s value as a regular supplemental product for the company’s Warmachine, Hordes, IKRPG, Level 7 [Escape] and Bodgers line of products.  Because really what we have is a high quality product that can be used to enhance your knowledge and experience with the games mentioned.

Oh and brace yourselves, this is the longest article to date here on the blog.  I hope you find it of value and not too painful of a read.

The Clock is ticking for you….


So this summer sees the launch of a brand new and exciting faction for the Warmachine game; the Convergence of Cyriss!  Since the advent of the IKRPG adventure “Shadow of the Exile”, the interest of players, game masters, fiction fans and many others has been roused and curiosity piqued by the mysterious cult who worship a mechanical Goddess,  the Maiden of Gears.  A very brief pass of the material in that adventure gives us an entire temple that the player characters must delve through, and some fascinating revelations about the cult and the worshippers of the Maiden of Gears.  All that served to whet the appetite and fuel the imagination for almost 10 years until Privateer Press finally began to preview a fully functional and operational lesser faction called the Convergence of Cyriss!

Harbinger of Metal Mayhem!