Tag Archive for Cork basing

Ragnarok Brings the Base (-ing material)


Guest blog time folks, as we have a contribution blog from a good friend and local player of mine who wanted to show off his talents.  Sit back and enjoy the article and be sure to give our guest some feedback on his article. – NB

My name is Chadi Faraj. I’ve never written a blog before but I figured I’d give it a shot since I can get a bit hysterical about the games I play.

A little history about myself; I’ve been playing table top miniature games, assembling models and painting for about 18 years now and have loved every second of it!

The reason I’m writing this article is that I felt like showing off some of the work I have been doing lately, maybe impart some of the tricks I’ve learned over the years, and more importantly learn new tricks from any comments and cool tip you guys may have for me.

So here goes nothing….. (Go easy on him kids, he’s fragile! – NB)