Tag Archive for Painting

Converging on tables!


So my goal, as stated last week, was to get my shiny new Deathbot Battle Box assembled, primed and painted in time to get some games at the battle box level in Thursday night at Heroes World.  After enlisting the help of a friend and mentor, as well as the dastardly enabler who got me into this whole tabletop miniatures fiasco in the first place, to help me paint my shiny new toys I managed over the course of the evenings Monday through Wednesday to get paint on models, and to succeed at my goal!

Convergence of Cyriss Battle Box

Convergence of Cyriss Battle Box

Another Cog in the Machine


Not a whole lot to say right now, I am buried under a big pile of loot from Lock & Load 2013 that our buddy Boots brought back from Seattle for me.  Aside from the June release of the Stormblade Captain for my beloved Cygnar, I have a huge heaping helping of new models from the Convergence of Cyriss with which to entertain myself.


Maiden of Gears

Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire! (And Lightning. And Ice.)


I’ve been building a lot of lists lately and in the course of doing so I’ve been revisiting an old favourite of mine, Epic Warlock Baldur the Stonesoul.  More specifically his theme force, the “Hour of Reckoning“.

I’ve previously used eBaldur with some success but one thing I’ve always wanted was some heavy ranged firepower to add to his “brick up” Theme Force play style.  Sitting the heavy Constructs (or Warp Wolves should I choose to venture outside of his Theme Force) behind Rock Wall for a Defense bonus and protection from non-reach models is a solid Tortoise formation but lacks speed.  In order to force the enemy to engage this near impenetrable wall of heavy warbeasts, I require a serious ranged threat.