Tag Archive for Nerdy Jobs

Hoppy Easter!

Steampunk Bunny seemed appropriate, no?


It’s been a while, and anyone wondering where we’ve been at Hobby Hysteria, well, I won’t bore you with the details but let it be known we’re aware we’ve been gone for a while.  For me, Swimming Pool season is finally here after one of the longest, harshest winters in my 38 years of life.  Ice storms, Polar Vortexes, Cold booms and the unrelenting assault of snowfall after snowfall had my industry very worried.  Thankfully the warmer weather has begun and we can get out there and get some things done.  Like this, for instance:


This is how a pool should look when you peel the cover off...

This is how a pool should look when you peel the cover off…


I opened this pool Saturday and was pleased to see that the winter had been easy on this pool; very little debris, just some sand and silt on the bottom that needed to be vacuumed up, and when I was finished it looked even better.


A little cloudy but clean and ready for heat and swimming!

A little cloudy but clean and ready for heat and swimming!


Shocked, tested and balanced, and ready to be used once it warms up (the water was around 40 degrees, or 4C, when I took this photo).

I guess what I am saying is thanks for understanding, for being patient, and for reading anything we post up here when we do get around to it.   I promise there is more coming this week, with a submission from a good friend even!!

Happy Easter Monday, and keep on being Hysterical!


– NB

Nerdy Jobs: Commander, an introduction!


I like many other nerds have gone through phases of gaming, one of these phases (a long time ago) was during the golden age of TCG.  That special phase that you look back on and cringe at either the amount of money you invested or the value of the cards that you ONCE had.  I during my golden age (Grade 7) I cracked open my first package of Pokemon cards and stumbled across:


Nerdy Jobs: Destination Malifaux Pt. 1


There’s something that I’d like to mention before I get too far ahead of myself.  It has been confirmed that a 2nd Edition of the Malifaux rule set is coming out at Gencon this year.  If you snoop around you can find some interesting tidbits about it, from what I’ve gathered it’ll address a couple of my complaints about the rule’s lack of polish and unnecessary complexity (which I also love at the same time).  Thus, please consider this a disclaimer.  Since I’ll be talking about Malifaux’s rules, models, etc. today there is a strong chance that this information will change.  So if you’re reading this in the future PLEASE DON’T HATE ME.

Nerdy Jobs


I suspect that introductions are in order. Hi, I’m Boots. I am one of many people who find writing introductions incredibly difficult, mostly because I want to reference almost every single tired old pun that is in the “book”. I’m from Ontario, Canada and given that knowledge it is easy to presume that I spend the vast majority of my time at home buried under an incredible amount of ice and snow. When I get a chance to escape my hovel, I’m an avid board game nerd, miniature aficionado, and one who infrequently reads comic books.

I’ve been blogging for a couple years now, under this alias, though in the past my time has been spent behind a camera as opposed the keyboard. I do a fair bit of convention traveling; I have seen the steampunk mysteries of Templecon, the countless wonders of Gencon and the Hallowed Halls of PAX. I would love to call myself world-weary but that just makes me think of the Travel Network and I don’t believe I’d be a very good travel critic. I’d likely just end up writing reviews along the lines of: it’s too hot here, or not enough snow. Not exactly Outdoor Life Network material.