Tag Archive for Comic Books

This Week’s New Comics!


5 Comics To Watch

Batman #21 (D.C.) – It’s a good week to be a Scott Snyder fan.  First there was the epic Court of Owls storyline that kicked off the NEW 52, then the demented Death of the Family for dessert.  Now, we get Zero Year…the humble beginnings of Bruce Wayne as Batman as told by Snyder and Greg Capullo.  Attempting to live up to the lofty stature of books like Year 1 and Year 3, Snyder looks to add his own twist to Bruce’s first year on the job.  If you’ve been reading so far, or have heard through the grapevine, you know that this storyline has the possibility to re-define Batman in a way that hasn’t been done in years.  At the very least, we’re going to get an early days look at one of the most celebrated characters in fiction…written by someone who’s shown he has the respect and touch to possibly live up to the hype.  A must read comic for all comic book fans.  Period.

Batman #21

This Week’s New Comics



(S-1 emerges from the hazy, darkened doorway, smoking gun in hand, and exhales slowly as he hands me a brown manila envelope.  He glances briefly over his shoulder, nods at me silently, and then backs away, all but disappearing into the shadowy world he inhabits.)

5 Comics to Watch


Age of Ultron #9 (Marvel) – We’re getting close to the grand finale of this Marvel Event, as time travelling heroes and the chaos that they’ve created all looks ripe to come to a head.  We’ve been told the events of AoU will have a lasting effect on the Marvel Universe…and my gut tells me for one they aren’t lying.  While maybe not the blockbuster it was looking like it might be early on, this event has been very solid throughout, and could still end up near the top of ‘best event’ lists when it’s all said and done.

Age of Ultron #9

This Week’s New Comics!



5 Comics To Watch


Indestructible Hulk #9 (Marvel) – While I’ve been impressed with Indestructible Hulk so far, I haven’t fully jumped on the bandwagon. However, if we keep getting awesome 3-4 issue stories like this Waid/Simonson Hulk/Thor team up, I’m in for the long term. Seriously, if you can, grab issues #7, 8 & 9 and relive the good old days of superhero comics…only it looks 10 times better than it did back then. Hulk Smash indeed!

Indestructible Hulk #9

This Week’s New Comics!


5 Comics To Watch

Avengers #12 (Marvel) – Avengers in the Savage Land.  What else do you need to know?  Jonathan Hickman’s alt Avengers book seems to finally be catching on with readers after a lot of moaning about the cast of characters populating this book.  Last issues casino trip issue, along with the coming on the Infinity Event seems to have finally swayed people into giving this book the credit its due.  It’s the same old story when it comes to Hickman.  They want instant gratification, or want to be able to figure out where the story is going, and that’s just not how he writes…but the payoff in the end with a Hickman book is always well worth the wait…and Avengers looks like no exception.

Avengers #12

This Week’s New Comics!



5 Comics To Watch

 Age of Ultron #8 (Marvel) – We’re nearing the end of the line when it comes to Age of Ultron, and things are about to get interesting.  Angela is due to make her Marvel debut shortly, so collectors will probably be out in full force gobbling up issues…not to mention those of you who have been following from the beginning…or have just recently jumped on.  I’ve been quite impressed with the goings on, and have a feeling that Marvel may finally have a payoff to an event that lives up to the hype.

Age of Ultron #8

This Week’s New Comics


5 Comics To Watch

Batman #20 (D.C.) – 19 issues in, and Batman continues to be one of the most popular books on the shelves…selling on average 150,000 copies a month.  Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have crafted a dark, intricate, slightly twisted series that has Bruce facing demons and enemies (Court of Owls, The Joker) that are taking him to his limit.  Now, with the upcoming ‘Zero Year’ on the horizon, Batman faces off with one of my all-time favourite villains, Clayface.  I can’t wait to see how the shapeshifter tests The Dark Knight!


This Week’s New Comics!


I never knew that running a blog devoted to Hobbies would involve so many payoffs, so many encounters in underground parking lots with cigarette-smoking gamers, and the occasional run from Johnny Law in the pursuit to bring you as much content as possible as often as I can!  However that is the cloak & dagger life I now lead, and one of the rare treats we are now able to offer begins today, right here and now!  My Insider informant, the mysterious and brilliant S-1, has agreed to read the week’s comic offerings and give us a run down on what is coming out and offering a bit of insider info on each of the titles.  If you aren’t already reading what he suggests, be sure to get caught up before you get left behind! – NB


My name is S-1 and this is my rundown of the New Releases of note in the wild and wonderful world of weekly comic books.  From time to time, there may be a title or two that I don’t cover, but for the most part, I’ll do my best to cast as wide a net as possible.  My choices for ‘5 Comics To Watch’ and ‘Hidden Gems’ are books I am either reading myself, books I feel are currently white-hot, or criminally under-appreciated and worthy of your attention and hard earned money.  Feel free to let us at Hobby Hysteria know what books you are reading in the comments section below, and if you agree or disagree with my choices.

Loving the Double-D

banner_ToThePointMany of us have spent an afternoon playing as our favourite superhero at one point or another, running around with a pillowcase strapped to our back and defeating imaginary bad guys or super villains to the sounds of “BIFF!”, “POW!”, “KA-BLOOEY!” and other noises of a violent nature.  It’s a fascinating trend that more and more kids are being exposed at an earlier age to the superhero genre as Comic Books and Graphic Novels are becoming more mainstream and popular amongst all levels of society.  What once was the domain of the “nerd” or “geek” is now almost as cool and popular amongst the other social strata as sports, television programs and fashion shows.  Okay, I know very little about fashion shows, but let’s assume for the purpose of the article that Fashion Shows and blockbuster films about superheroes are equally popular in society, okay?  Allow me my liberties.

To that end I want to explore some of the comics I am reading and talk about what makes them such good reads currently.  This week I want to begin with a title that is getting some attention for the mainstream accolades it is earning and the quiet greatness it is achieving.  That, and the main character sports a lovely set of double-D’s…

Free Comic Book Day!


We here at Hobby Hysteria are huge fans of the printed word, and we love it even more when the printed word is accompanied by the beautiful art and colours in our favourite comic books.  Every year the industry gets together and has a day devoted to getting new readers exposed to this great hobby and expose readers to some different work that they may not spend their disposable income on of their own volition.

It’s like “Pusher Day” if we were to celebrate the distribution and sale of gateway drugs, because trust me, once you try some of these great books you may find yourself at the FLGS checking out other titles than you have in the past.