Tag Archive for Celestial Fulcrum

Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire! (And Lightning. And Ice.)


I’ve been building a lot of lists lately and in the course of doing so I’ve been revisiting an old favourite of mine, Epic Warlock Baldur the Stonesoul.  More specifically his theme force, the “Hour of Reckoning“.

I’ve previously used eBaldur with some success but one thing I’ve always wanted was some heavy ranged firepower to add to his “brick up” Theme Force play style.  Sitting the heavy Constructs (or Warp Wolves should I choose to venture outside of his Theme Force) behind Rock Wall for a Defense bonus and protection from non-reach models is a solid Tortoise formation but lacks speed.  In order to force the enemy to engage this near impenetrable wall of heavy warbeasts, I require a serious ranged threat.